It's so great to see our dedicated yogis and yoginis back in town, joining us for Sunrise Yoga on the Beach! We also welcome newcomers to our Sunrise Beach Yoga classes, and of course, locals who know all of the best reasons to join us so early! Really?! 6:00 am! Of course, and here are 10 reasons why you should set your alarm, get up early, and enjoy the benefits of yoga at sunrise!
1) spectacular view of sunrise on horizon 2) beautiful skyscape of colors 3) free parking (til 10, so time to get a latte' after class or visit the Farmer's Market on Sundays) 4) the crowd still sleeping 3) best time to see dolphins 4) gentle sea breeze 5) warm, not blazing hot 6) sun AND the moon often visible in the sky 7) meet new friends 8) savasana in the sand, under the sun is bliss 9) take a refreshing dip after 10) healthy way to begin your day! (All the benefits of Yoga!) Reply with YOUR reason! Our certified, yoga alliance teachers will warmly greet you at 6 am and safely guide you through an hour of asana practice. We hope to see you soon!
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August 2024
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